As long as inequalities and discrimination against women persist, bringing about lasting change in society or hoping to reduce world hunger will remain impossible. SWISSAID is a pioneer in strengthening the position of rural women and prioritizes this in all its projects.

While there has been some progress in achieving gender equality in recent decades, equal opportunities still lag behind. Women continue to face challenges in accessing education, employment, receiving equal pay for equivalent work, having a voice in politics, and obtaining credit or land—these opportunities are often more difficult for women than for men. In rural areas, where traditions hold significant influence, women bear the majority of burdens but have limited rights. Empowering women and combating gender-based violence are the first steps towards a balanced society and a world without hunger.

By promoting gender equality, we are helping to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Below, we explain how we are committed to gender equality, both in the North and in the South. A flagship project in India gives an insight on a part of our work on the ground for women in need. An article on our expertise in the field of gender presents the philosophy behind our work and our knowledge of the subject. Finally, each theme has its own expert, interviewed below.