The multi-layered approach of agroecology is based on natural cycles, conserves resources and reduces dependence on external factors such as chemical fertilisers. In addition, the cultivation method strengthens the soil – and thus protects against storms, heavy rain or droughts.
Together with local experts and a strong partner network, we have always been committed to an agroecological transition in project countries in the Global South. We impart agroecological knowledge and demonstrate methods that smallholder farmers can apply and develop further. By producing their food in a resource-efficient way and marketing it profitably, they can overcome hunger.
In Switzerland, we are also campaigning for agroecology at a political level. In the ‘Agroecology Works!’ network, we show the public the potential of agroecology. And as a co-founder of the Sufosec Alliance, we promote synergies between different organisations. So that knowledge about agroecology can be exchanged and the latest results can be easily shared:
By promoting agroecology, we are helping to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Facts and Figures

57,487 farming families
used agroecological methods in 2023

41,057 people
had access to regional seeds in 2023

21,040 households
were able to overcome their food shortage in 2023
Below you can find out how we are involved in both the Global South and the North. Our key project in Niger provides an overview of our work on the ground for people in need. An article on our expertise in agroecology presents the philosophy behind our work and shows how we work on reports, advocacy and networking. In addition, an interview with an expert in the South provides insights into the benefits of agroecology for local people.