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Our team
Martina Carlino
Project dossier raw materials
Kenenisa Assefa Kelele
Project Manager EmergenSeed and Research Assistant to the Policy Advisor Seed
«By working at SWISSAID, I get the opportunity to make a contribution to sustainable change processes, addressing global challenges such as food security and gender equality. It’s important to me that shaping these developments is a participatory process: the voices of all involved actors and particularly of affected communities matter.»
Céline Rault
«Creating sustainable food systems and gender equality are global challenges. SWISSAID raises awareness of these issues in its partner countries as well as in Switzerland. The focus is on application of traditional knowledge and empowering women. This convinces me and motivates me to be part of it.»
Nadine Genet Zurbriggen
Content Creator
Fabio Saba
System specialist Microsoft 365
André-Maurice Kornow
Online-Fundraising and Online-Marketing
Setting up agro-ecological projects and promoting the use of farmers' seeds enable farmers in developing countries to take control of their future. Being able to take part in this is what motivates me to work at SWISSAID.
Jacqueline Dober
Junior Programme Manager for Colombia, Ecuador and Nicaragua
«Sustainability and equal opportunities are two core values for me. I am pleased that I can make a small contribution to a more sustainable and fairer world with my work at SWISSAID.»
Severin Zeller
Finance Manager country programme for Colombia, Guinea-Bissau and Tanzania
«For me, working at SWISSAID means passionately driving forward the mission against hunger. I am committed to ensuring that the funds reach those in need efficiently. I am particularly touched by the fact that SWISSAID not only supports small farmers, but also women in the poorest countries. Together we are fighting for a fairer world.»
Nathalie Wiederkehr
Finance Manager Corporate Accounts + Deputy Manager Finances & Human Resources Department
«As a tourism professional, I've introduced many people to foreign countries and cultures. The beautiful sides, but also the sad ones. Aware of the dark side, I would like to convince people of the hope that a donation to SWISSAID can help. For the people who are not on the sunny side of life.»
Bernhard Lehmann
Donation Accounting
«For me, the question of meaning is essential. By working at SWISSAID, I'm convinced that I'm participating in projects that are relevant and in favour of crucial causes, such as the promotion of agro-ecology and gender equality.»
Camille Servais
Junior-Programme Manager for India, Myanmar and Tanzania
"I am delighted to be part of the SWISSAID team for a few months and, together with our supporters, to contribute to the financing of our sustainable projects, which bring hope to many people and enable them to lead a better life in dignity."
Marc-André Pradervand
Public Fundraising, Direct Mail ad interim
Simon Geiser
Finance Manager country programme Chad, Myanmar and Niger
«Agroecology and gender equality are issues that form the basis for sustainable and equal development of communities. Meeting at eye level with our partners and the people on the ground motivates me every day to find lasting solutions together and to initiate important processes of change.»
Valentina Maggiulli
Programme manager for India
"Improving food security, resilience to climate change and economic hazards in the community world are challenges I have been working to address for over a decade. Together with SWISSAID, we will join forces to lead communities toward positive change."
Ousmane Coulibaly
Country Representative in Guinea-Bissau
«Our projects make a difference in the lives of many vulnerable people. Our work effectively contributes to a just, peaceful and diverse world. I am thrilled to work towards this goal together.»
Matthias von Allmen
Team Coordinator Public Fundraising and Responsible for Direct Dialogue
«Empowering women and young people - these are issues I am committed to, because I am convinced that this is a lever for sustainable change. Change that the world needs more than ever. Winning over foundations and donors who want to make this change possible together with SWISSAID - that's what my heart beats for.»
Annette Schmid
Senior Institutional Fundraiser with focus foundations
Anne-Catherine Jobe
Donation accounting and database
"I am particularly sensitive to gender equality. I grew up in a matriarchy. For generations, women in my family made the decisions and managed the resources. I can't imagine a life without freedom and resources of my own. I want to help make empowerment a reality for all women around the world."
Soledad Franco González
Finance Manager Country Programme India, Ecuador und Nicaragua
Betty Malaki
Country representative for Tanzania
"Working at SWISSAID is an opportunity to combine personal interests with concrete and global implementation in strengthening the support of people in resilient agriculture. CROPS4HD allows me to be directly involved in this process of sharing knowledge and learning."
Nathalie Tailly
Junior Programme Manager for Chad, Guinea-Bissau and Niger
«Making global supply chains fairer and more sustainable is key to improving the living and working conditions of people in the Global South. SWISSAID pursues this endeavour by doing advocacy among Swiss companies, which play a crucial role in many global supply chains. I am glad to be able to contribute to it on a daily basis. It makes my professional life particularly meaningful and motivating.»
Yvan Schulz
Research and advocacy on raw material and responsible sourcing
«Getting people enthusiastic about our projects through direct and personal contact, convincing them of their relevance and impact, and gaining their support is meaningful to me and gives me great pleasure.»
Laila Müller
Private engagement and philanthropy
"It is wonderful to see how SWISSAID is committed to helping the disadvantaged people of this world so that they can have a dignified and independent life. And to be able to contribute to this myself as a "little hand" is very inspiring."
Sandra Badertscher
Public fundraising
"Food sovereignty, solidarity and gender equality are three issues that are particularly close to my heart and they are among SWISSAID's core concerns. In my work, I try to increase the visibility of the many activities that are carried out in the name of hope both here and abroad."
Delphine Neyaga
Media Relations and Campaining
"As a partner of cantons, municipalities and companies, I show how our projects provide effective help for autonomy. We all have a social responsibility and it is only right to give back some of our wealth to the poorest people in the world. We cannot help everyone, but there is an old arab proverb that says: "Help one person and you have helped all mankind"".
Tobias Ebinger
Institutional partnerships (cantons, municipalities, companies)
"In order for the next generation to inhabit a world that is sustainable and secure, we urgently need to make changes towards more justice, climate and environmental protection. It motivates me that my work at SWISSAID means I can contribute to this, both here in Switzerland and in the partner countries."
Nicole Stolz
Head of Development Cooperation Department
"Without our donors, we could not achieve anything. They are the backbone of SWISSAID. They deserve to be treated honestly, transparently and as equals. And that we continually woo them and inspire them with the idea of a fairer world."
Michael Brücker
Head of Marketing & Fundraising Department
"For me, SWISSAID is like a good story: the people behind it are exciting, profound and multi-faceted. The themes are relevant, important and timeless."
Sarah Forrer
"I am mainly involved with the tenth SWISSAID country, Team Switzerland. I have met incredible people in this team: committed, motivated, uniquely tolerant, humorous and amiable. A team that challenges me every day and for which I gladly give my best!"
Silvia Gertsch
Human Resources and HR-Development
"Whether in Asia, Africa or Latin America – project visits are incredibly inspiring. It is a constant reminder to me of how SWISSAID's work makes change towards a socially and ecologically sustainable future possible."
Monika Uhlmann
Head of Finances & Human Resources Department and Member of the Executive Comitee
"I have always felt connected to our world. It is therefore of great concern to me that all people obtain the same opportunities and that we live in a healthy environment. If these two factors are aligned, we will all have a better life. SWISSAID is an opportunity for me to play my part in this."
Katrin Gamper
Finance Assistant
"I want to play my part in the change that our world needs. SWISSAID uncovers problems, gets stuck in, sows hope. It is a great privilege for me to be able to devote my life to this organisation and to the poorest people in the world."
Markus Allemann
Executive Director and Head of Department Development Policy and Media ad interim
"People want to live self-determined lives in sustainable communities and in security. What some take for granted remains a dream for many. With my work at SWISSAID, I can contribute to making this dream a reality."
Peter Aeberhard
Programme Manager for Niger and Tanzania
"Equal opportunities are an essential prerequisite for the sustainable fight against poverty. SWISSAID supports women directly, but also raises awareness among men and boys. I campaign with conviction against inequalities that restrict rights – whether of women or men."
Daniele Polini
Programme Manager for Myanmar & Thematic Advisor Gender and WASH
"What always impresses me when I visit the site: women, farmers and young people in our projects look the SWISSAID team in the eyes, because they feel understood and taken seriously. They know that it is their own project and that they are responsible for its implementation."
Daniel Ott Fröhlicher
Programme Manager for Chad and Colombia
"Whether it's a climate crisis or social inequality, the world is facing incredibly serious challenges that need to be tackled globally. I see SWISSAID's work as an important part of the solution – and I am committed to it together with over 180 employees worldwide."
Lukas Reinhard
Thematic Advisor Monitoring + Evaluation
"It's great to see how many school children make a commitment to a better world every year by selling SWISSAID trinkets!"
Esther Wasem
Trinket Sale
"In cooperation with local organisations and our partners in Switzerland, SWISSAID is laying the foundations for many disadvantaged smallholder families to be able to live a dignified and self-determined life in an intact environment. It gives me pleasure to contribute to the solution."
Martin Jovanov
Programme manager Nicaragua and Ecuador / Strategic partnerships for Development cooperation
"By doing their bit, anyone can change the world. Working for an organisation that helps those most in need is in line with my deep desire to help create a better world where people support and care for each other more."
Karin Diennet-Schnider
Public Fundraising Suisse romande
"I like working for SWISSAID because I share the same values. It is inspiring to see that our work really makes a difference in the countries where we operate and that the lives of so many women and their families have improved."
Kristina Bodmer
Institutional partnerships (foundations, parishes and associations)
"Eating organic food, regional dishes on the table, equality for women – these are topics which are currently very popular in Switzerland, but which SWISSAID has been working on in the countries of the South for decades. I am convinced that this is the right way to a better future."
Amandine Castillo
Institutional partnerships and philanthropy
"Growing up amidst the wealth of our country, I was upset by the injustices in our world at a young age. With my work at SWISSAID, I can stand up for the people who are still suffering from hunger and extreme poverty."
Eliane Beerhalter
Visual Content
"I always love to talk with community members about their concerns, difficulties, achievement and how SWISSAID could better support their initiatives. It is very lucky to me to be a part of SWISSAID’s work with partnered CSOs for the people who really need supports in this difficult situation."
Kamam Zau Hkam
Country Representative in Yangon, Myanmar
"I love writing stories – the digital world offers immense possibilities and plenty of room for creativity. But what we are telling you here is taken straight from life. This honesty, transparency and closeness impressed me from day one at SWISSAID and continues to motivate me to this day."
Melanie Roth
Online Fundraising & Marketing
"Getting involved in the fight against the curse of raw materials is both exciting and absurd. Because it seems natural to me that the local population should benefit from the wealth of their land."
Marc Ummel
Natural Resources
"Working in development cooperation is more than a job – it is a choice of lifestyle. We at SWISSAID Ecuador are not just experienced professionals, but above all farmers who support each other and share a love of agro-ecology."
Oscar Quillupangui
Country Representative in Quito, Ecuador
Mariana Córdoba
Country Representative in Bogotá, Colombia
"SWISSAID places human dignity at the heart of all its interventions. This vision and our shared values are my main motivation for working here. Furthermore, there are no hierarchical barriers in our daily work together."
Olivier Ngardouel Mbaïnaïkou
Country Representative in N'Djaména, Chad
"SWISSAID aims to shape a society based on gender equality and traditional agricultural knowledge. It works with NGOs led by local people who share the same vision of society and are committed to and passionate about change."
Kavita Gandhi
Country Representative in Pune, India
"My work at SWISSAID has confirmed to me that the passion, motivation and perseverance of the people involved are essential factors for the success of development projects. In Tanzania, women farmers with a very low level of education prove this every day."
Blaise Burnier
Senior Regional Advisor Africa and Programme manager for Guinea-Bissau
"Regularly ranked by the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) as one of the countries with the lowest human development index in the world, Niger faces immense challenges. By joining SWISSAID and through this organization, we intend to contribute to the well-being of this population so that they live in a more equitable world."
Mahamane Rabilou Abdou
Country Representative in Niamey, Niger
Marina Flores
Country Representative in Managua, Nicaragua
"I am fascinated by the diversity of seeds that the world's farmers have created. Humanity depends on this treasure when it comes to overcome the challenges of climate warming and species loss. That is why I am working by SWISSAID, to ensure that seeds remain in the hands of farmers and are not monopolized by seed multinationals."
Simon Degelo
Seed policy and biodiversity
"Considering the huge challenge of limiting global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius, the categories "needy", "helpers", "donors" are blurred. SWISSAID convinces me because we are working on an equal footing with the true experts in the field - farmers on four continents -, and are promoting climate-friendly, ecological food systems in both the North and the South."
Sonja Tschirren
Policy and thematic advisor climate change
"Giving small farmers the chance to improve their living conditions is the essence of SWISSAID's work. By providing a platform here for the stories of these people, I share local successes and hopes for global change."
Anaelle Vallat
Website, Events, FEDEVACO, FGC and Association SWISSAID Genève
"I was raised with a deep respect for nature and a commitment to serving people, with the goal of leaving the world better than I found it. I discovered a science that embodies these values, creating connections between people, ecosystems, and our shared well-being. That science is agroecology. Since then, my focus has been on promoting agroecology to foster sustainable development for both humans and our planet."
Francesco Ajena
Thematic Advisor Agroecology
"Whether it be small farmers in Colombia who join forces to assert their rights with the local authorities or women in Chad who organise themselves to improve their living conditions together: Seeing people take their future into their own hands is my greatest motivation."
Etienne Basset
Programme Manager CROPS4HD
"I am proud of my Honduran roots and I am happy to be part of the SWISSAID family, to stand together for a good and necessary cause, as there are many needy people in this world. Together with SWISSAID, I want to make a difference in the society by using my skills for a just and solidary world with multiple development opportunities and a sustainable future."
Carolina Iten
Executive Assistant
"The concerns of women and farmers as well as climate protection through agroecology deserve more attention - at the political level and in the public space. With my work at SWISSAID, I want to make these concerns more widely heard, especially in Switzerland."
Thaïs In der Smitten
Media Relations and Campaining