Your Contacts
Your Contacts
- Experienced: SWISSAID has been an established partner in Swiss development cooperation since 1948.
- Independent: SWISSAID is not associated with any denomination, party or ideology.
- Empowering: SWISSAID consistently pursues the strategy of “helping people to help themselves”.
SWISSAID's priorities
On our topic pages you will find detailed information and projects concerning:
We work with experts for each of these topics. In Switzerland and on site. Our projects always include one or more of these topics. In this way, we consistently pursue our goal of reducing hunger.

How SWISSAID works
- Our country offices are mainly managed by local experts
- They work closely with partner organisations on the ground and support the implementation of the projects
- Beneficiaries must demonstrate their own initiative and invest their own resources
- The quality and impact of the projects are regularly monitored by the country offices, Swiss headquarters and external experts
- We work closely with the Agency for Development and Cooperation of the Swiss Confederation (SDC)
- Internal and external audits ensure that funds str used correctly
- SWISSAID has been awarded the ZEWO quality seal
SWISSAID offers you
- Support/advice in the decision-making process for programme or project financing
- Tailor-made project proposals (investment opportunities)
- Regular exchange of information (by telephone, in person)
- Regular information on project details
- Annual reporting on project progress (narrative and financial)
- On request: provision of image and film material and further information
Who trusts SWISSAID
Selected references:
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Fédération genevoise de coopération (FGC), Fédération vaudoise de coopération (FEDEVACO), Liechtenstein Development Service (LED)
Cantons and cities:
Cantons of Aargau, Basel City, Bern; cities of Zug and Zurich
Companies and foundations:
Atinova AG, Leopold Bachmann Foundation, Charisma Foundation for Sustainable Development, Corymbo Foundation, Client Systems AG, Däster Schild Foundation, Stiftung Drittes Millennium, Dorave Foundation, Symphasis Charitable Foundation, Gebauer Foundation, Georg Fischer Bicentenary Foundation, Medicor Foundation, Maiores Foundation, Migros Genossenschafts-Bund, Temperatio Foundation, Von Duhn Foundation