Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world – the unstable situation in Central Africa makes life more difficult for local people.

SWISSAID cooperates closely with grassroots organisations to improve the living conditions of small farming families. Agroecological farming makes the soil in their fields more productive, which leads to higher yields and in the long term to food security. Gender equality is promoted, and young people and women are made stronger – also in terms of their political participation.


In the country since:
Guéra, Mandoul, Logone Oriental
Rank in the Human Development Index:
190 out of 191
Current Projects:
Annual budget:
CHF 1,615,930


  • Men, women and young people use agroecology to improve the productivity of the soils they cultivate and thus secure their food supply.
  • Smallholder families on the borders of oil-producing areas receive compensation payments which they use sustainably.
  • Young people and women are involved in local development. Gender equality plays a key role in all the objectives.

The Chad country program is co-financed by the SDC program contribution.