Annual Accounts 2023

In 2023, SWISSAID succeeded in increasing the inflow of funds from donations and project contributions while also further diversifying its financing. With convincing projects and programmes, new partnerships were launched with foundations, and funds were acquired from governments. Compared to the previous year, we achieved growth of 10%.

Our motivated and professional team does its best on a daily basis, working together with local partner organisations to sustainably improve the living conditions and prospects of the poorest people in the Global South.

We were able to implement an overseas programme worth around 18 million Swiss francs, and spent 2.4 million Swiss francs on awarenessraising and information work in Switzerland. As a proportion of our operating expenses, 82% of our funds went to programme work, 4% to administration and 14% to fundraising.

Around 60% of SWISSAID’s activities are financed by donations and project contributions from private individuals and institutions, while just under 30% of funding comes from the SDC’s programme contribution. As at 31 December 2023, organisational capital amounts to 16 million Swiss francs.

These 2023 annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER and Zewo principles. They were reviewed by the auditors Von Graffenried AG Treuhand in the framework of an annual audit, and found to be correct.