Peace in Colombia

Women raise their voices and defend their rights

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In Colombia, gender-based violence and a lack of recognition remain a major challenge, preventing women from striving for better living conditions. A project is giving them back their confidence, both socially and politically.
In Colombia, gender-based violence and a lack of recognition remain a major challenge, preventing women from striving for better living conditions. A project is giving them back their confidence, both socially and politically.

SWISSAID works for a world where hunger does not belong and where even the poorest can lead a healthy, dignified and autonomous life.

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I donate to SWISSAID because the approach of helping people to help themselves has always convinced me.

Rosmarie Reber Schwander, Oberwil

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The farmer in Ecuador. The mother in Niger. The boy in Myanmar. The woman in Colombia. The family in Tanzania. The man in Chad. The girl in India. The father in Guinea-Bissau. The peasant woman in Nicaragua. Your donation will benefit them.